Some people recently ticked me off. Saying things as if they're the angels for taking an "interest" in the elderlies. If you want to visit and care for your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa... go ahead... just... DON'T post shoutouts like your cousins, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters are an ungrateful lot. If they want to go, they will... or if you really want to do something about it, say it nicely and you don't make a fool of yourself. Buat benda tu biarlah ikhlas, korang dah jalankan tanggungjawap, kudos to you guys but just... DON'T condemn other people... it's annoying...
I don't really feel attacked at all coz to me, I don't take the posts to heart... it's childish in a way to try and get attention that way... I have my family to focus on, I'm not bothered what you guys think of me. If you think that I'm ungrateful, arrogant or whatever, please yourself... I don't care. If I want to go, I will...and someday I know I will but you won't see me posting about it for the world to know...
Ahh whatever la... you go ahead with your life and do whatever it is that makes you happy... your life, my life, 2 different things... korang tak mengadap apa yg aku hadap and vice versa... just stop being irritating is what I'm asking...
Sally - out - for now
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