Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Yes. We all have 'em. Big, small, earth shattering or just ...nothing.

I used to hate secrets. Hate having them, hate being told one. Now not anymore. Maybe because I have my own? I don't know. Right now, I don't really care what people think. I have my reasons for keeping things locked inside. It doesn't really matter why. Mostly, I have them to protect myself.

Don't you just hate it being in the same room with someone who has tons of them. And you quietly trying to second guess everything? It's tiring. But then again, it's much more tiring for the person who's keeping them. 

Having secrets means you have to lie to protect 'em from being known. Having secrets is fun. Up to a point. Telling lies, however, is not. Not to the person who's being lied to. If it doesn't hurt anyone, then fine. But most importantly, if you want to have secrets, make sure you don't burn or get burned too much.

Having secrets is like playing with matches. How many strokes, how big is the flame you planning to light. No matter how big or small your intended fire you want to have, you'll feel the flame, you'll still get burned. Then, at some point, when you can't handle the flame on the match, you'll start looking for things to burn. You'll look for wood. Then somebody comes along and pour some gas on it and it would be out of control. Then the next thing you know, you'll be on fire.

Secrets, lies, flames and torches. They're all connected.

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